Show Notes

* Author Tara Lazar has a great blog post about laying out a picture book (with charts!) -- So does Debbie Ridpath Ohi (including a dowloadable storyboard thumbnail sheet!) -- there is a LOT more info about this than I could possibly get into in a podcast rant, so please go down the rabbit hole a bit. And remember: if you are not an illustrator, this is only an exercise - - it's for your eyes only. So don't be shy!
* I think WRITING WITH PICTURES by Uri Shulevitz is out of print - but you can get it from your library.
* This article by editorial director Carol Hinz from Millbrook is well worth the read: How Picture Book Pagination Keeps Readers Turning the Pages.
* Oh and if you like weird animals AND CURSING, partake of my new obsession, the Drunk Safari podcast.