Show Notes
* Abrams Books for Young Readers website
* ALA Youth Media Award speculation blogs: Calling Caldecott, Heavy Medal (Newbery),
* Books we chatted about:
I'm getting ready to head to Seattle for ALA Midwinter. So what even IS that? In this episode, I speak to Jenny Choy, the Associate Director for School-Library Marketing for Abrams Books for Young Readers. Jenny tells us the difference between publicity, marketing, and school-library marketing, and gives us the lowdown about what happens behind the booth curtains at a big librarian conference like ALA. What books are on display, and why? Which authors get invited, and why? What does she wish that authors knew about her job? So much great info! Yay!
Show Notes
* The Literaticast has a Patreon! Throw in a buck and you just might win a book. Plus, you can give me input about what you'd like to hear about on the podcast!
* Abrams Books for Young Readers website * ALA Youth Media Award speculation blogs: Calling Caldecott, Heavy Medal (Newbery), * Books we chatted about:
I share some of my top tips for writers attending big conferences. And Chronicle Books senior editor Melissa Manlove joins me to give advice about writing picture books. Also, I give HER advice about getting sick in Italy (spoiler: DON'T). Plus Swedish Punks, Turkish Cats, and more!
About the Literaticast
Literary Agent Jennifer Laughran and her friends dish about the world of Children's Publishing. Archives
November 2024